Welcome to my portfolio website!

Hey folks, I'm
Antoni Florit Backend Dev Pythonist

Job Experiences


Django Backend DeveloperEssentialist

Current position. Python, Django, Docker, AWS


DevOps & Backend DeveloperAlvea Soluciones Tecnológicas

Python Flask, Yaml


Freelance: DevOps & Backend Developer


DevOps EngineerMultihelpers

Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, PHP


DevOps EngineerHundredrooms

Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, Ansible, Python


SysadminBrújula Tecnologías del a información

Windows, Linux, AWS



IES Pau Casesnoves

Administración de sistemas informaticos en red<


Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Grau de Tecnologies de la Telecomunicació

My small projects

Home Weather Station

Small weather station built with a Raspberry PI 3+ and temperature, humidity, pressure and particle sensors. It uses Python, FastApi and an IOT queuing service to communicate the Raspberry with the api/web server.

Go Weather data

Cooking blog with recipes for Airfrayer in Catalan.

Go Airfryer.cat
Cut Back Url

CutBackUrl is a small personal project of an advanced URL shortener that transforms long links into short and manageable links.

Go CutBackUrl
Github Jenkins Action

Github action to trigger a Jenkins job when a push is made to a repository.

Github Curl Action

Github action to make a curl request to a url. It can be used to trigger a webhook or to make a request to a web page.

Bingo Caller

It uses a random number generator beetwin 1 to 99 to call the numbers and a web page to show them. The voice is in Catalan using typical Mallorcan bingo expressions.

Python check url and Slack Notifier

Python script to check if a url is up and running and send a notification to a Slack channel. It can be used to monitor a web page or a web service.
